Mystic Crystal Dinosaur Dig And Buried Treasure

*Sorry for no pictures to show the putty I had some issues with them :(*

Hello! Today I’m going to be rating 3 putties Mystic crystal dinosaur dig and buried treasure I will be rating the texture looks stretch/tricks and smell if it has one there’s a chance for 10 points every round so there’s a total of 30 points if there is no smell 40 if there is a smell and I think we should start so lets go!

.1 Mystic Crystal

Container looks very nice it has a cool look for the background I enjoy the crystals the rainbow area is also nice.

Actual Putty looks its very nice looking the triangles make a very cool affect turning the clear putty blue-ish/purple and the triangles being iridescent does make it look mystical I would say 6.5/10!

Very unique texture since it has triangles in it that feel nice if they don’t poke you, I don’t like the sharp feeling at all so it’s not very fun to play with and very annoying. a 3.5/10 texture

Not many tricks you can do with it since its very pokey other than that. It has an interesting stretch look since it has the iridescent triangles with the clear putty and looks very nice, but it doesn’t stretch that long and just breaks but it does do a very cool thing with the triangles when you stretch it makes an odd shape with the putty and its very nice 7/10 stretch 🙂

Overall rating for mystic crystal is 17/30! not the best rating but its still a nice putty I wouldn’t choose it over better putties since the triangle but not the worst!

Dinosaur Dig

Container looks pretty good with the volcano in the background the little blue dinosaur dude is cute, and the color isn’t very nice where it says thinking putty but it’s not the worst.
Putty Looks sort of plain but I understand it’s supposed to be like dinosaur bones in sand/dirt nothing really much to say other than it looks plain but I would say looks are 4/10

Rather plain texture other than the small bones and stuff that add a little texture that is not very explainable, but I would say maybe pokey-Ish Sort of like a basic putty texture The rating is a 5/10 not the best not the worst.

Once again not really any fun tricks to do with it since it’s a boring putty but, Strech it very nice since it’s just a plain putty 5/10 again :/

Overall, a medium putty 14/30

Buried Treasure

Such an amazing look! It is a very special putty since it has real gold flakes in it and it has nice little green, red and blue+ shiny color flakes in it very nice look the tin also looks nice it has a cute pirate on the front with the gold and shiny putty the background image is nice with the ocean and the pirate ship very on brand with the putty. 7/10 looks

Once again, a pretty plain texture Other than the nice flakes in the putty adding a little crunch texture not pokey too! honestly one of my favorite textures for a putty! 6/10

actually one of the best stretches so far for my 2 ratings but it stretches nice! while stretching it also looks pretty good it has a nice feel too nothing pokey like the crystal one It has a nice look while stretching it shows the clear putty and I like that since it looks just like a treasure chest when it’s in your hands but I think it’s a really solid putty to bad its rare so not many people get their hands on it but 6/10 stretch!

19/30! it has a nice charm to it and I do recommend it!

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